Wondering whether influencers with 50k, 100k or 300k followers suits your brand better?
Finding out which influencer can give you the brand awareness that fits into your company brand image? Watch the video now, Wan Li is giving out 3 tips to choose the right influencer for your company brand.
50k , 100k 还是 300k Follower 的网红呢?
还不确定如何选择适合你品牌的网红?你是否还在犹豫到底那个网红才可以给到你 Sales 或是品牌效应呢?
或者你公司想要找形象好而且又有非常好的粉丝互动?在这集影片里, Wan Li 将为你解释选择网红该注意的3件事!
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